An Introduction to Temporary Immigration
The non-immigrant visa classification covers a broad range of visas used to enter the United States for work, pleasure or study. Some visas are considered ‘dual status’; you may attempt to obtain permanent residency (a green card) while under that classification. Most non-immigrant visas, however, require you establish the demonstration of non-immigrant intent. This means you should demonstrate that you have a permanent residence in your home country that you have no intention of abandoning. The duration of time you may spend in the US can range from a few days to several years, depending on the visa. In most situations, your spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 may accompany you on a derivative visa.
Visas for Students
F-1 For academic students wishing to study in the U.S.
J-1 For Individuals participating in an educational or cultural exchange program
M-1 For vocational students wishing to train in the U.S.
Visas for Work
E-3 For professionals in specialty occupations who are citizens of Australia
H-1B For professionals in specialty occupations
H-1B1 For professionals in specialty occupations who are citizens of Singapore
H-2A For professionals working in agriculture
H-2B For temporary or seasonal occupations
H-3 For professionals wishing to train in the U.S.
L-1 For the temporary transfer of employees to a U.S. office of an International Organization
O-1 For individuals with extraordinary ability wishing to work in the U.S.
P-1 For entertainers, artists, or athletes to enter the U.S.
P-2 For artists or entertainers involved in an exchange program.
P-3 For culturally unique artists or entertainers to perform or teach in the U.S.
R-1 For Religious Workers wishing to work in the U.S.
TN For citizens of Canada or Mexico wishing to work in the U.S.
Visas for Visitors
B-1 For individuals wishing to engage in a business venture.
B-2 For individuals wishing to engage in tourist activities.
Visa Waiver Program For individuals wishing to enter the U.S. without a visa for pleasure or business for less than 90 days.
Visas for Investors
E-1 For “treaty traders” wishing to carry on substantial trade inside the U.S.
E-2 For “treaty investors” wishing to make a substantial investment, or to direct the operation of a business in which they have or will soon make a substantial investment
Other Non-Immigrant Visas
C-1 For travelers passing through the U.S. wishing to visit family and friends or partake in tourist activities while awaiting departure.
C-2 For individuals wishing to travel to the United Nations
C-3 For foreign government officials traveling through the U.S. wishing to visit family and friends or partake in tourist activities while awaiting departure.
D-1 For crewpersons docked temporarily in the U.S. wishing to visit family and friends or partake in tourist activities while awaiting departure.
D-2 For crewpersons who are leaving one vessel to depart on another
I For foreign media representatives wishing to enter the U.S.
K For fiancés of American citizens wishing to enter the U.S. before marriage
LIFE Acts & Amendments For family members of a spouse of a citizen or family members of a lawful permanent resident wishing to reunite until their visa petitions have been approved or denied